This is a book that was mandatory reading in high school. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. It's a world where books are banned. Government officials go door to door searching houses for contraband books.

I read this over 50 years ago, before it was banned because a religious group protested that one of the books burned, in the book, was the bible. So it was pulled from school shelves, libraries, book stores etc.

I noticed that the book is back out for sale, so I purchased a paperback for my granddaughter (it's mandatory reading in her literature class) and an ebook for myself.

I think that I am such an avid reader (since 8 years old) that it stuck with me because I could never imagine a world without books.

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I remember that book very well, set in a future where firemen were called to set fire to piles of books. I also remember his Martian Chronicles as a favorite.

I agree that it's hard to imagine a world without books - essentially a world without stories.

There's a movie out now about a world without Beatle songs called "Yesterday" which is a pale shadow of the same theme.

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I "literally" stumbled upon *The Odyssey of Homer* in College in the 80s and now own a shelf of translations and adaptations ( including Nikos Kastansokis' interesting version) AND have it hanging on my wall as a litograph.

I read incessantly from kids' books to poetry to Romantasy to history. Have fun

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Hi Andrea, Thanks for your recommendation. we studied this in our Grade 13 English class, but I will add it to my list to read it again.

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